Dr. Wright, Hanshi, 9th degree black belt; with over 50 years experience in the martial arts
Our primary instructor is Dr. Balfour Wright, Hanshi, 9th degree black belt. Dr. Wright has over 50 years experience in the martial arts.
Martial arts is a way of life. It is the art of living that will help you become a winner in life. Through training, one can also build physical condition and good mental concentration. No matter your age, martial arts will help build your self-confidence, leadership & people skills, and provide an "I can" attitude to life.
Check out our classes today. All of our classes are conducted in an exclusive and personal setting. We offer single "Try Out" classes for the curious as well as monthly subscription classes. Space is limited so serious inquiries only please.
We offer Military Discounts as well as multi-person (family) sign-up discounts.